Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bees knees

Bees have baskets on their legs where they put the pollen they collect. I like to think about a bee with two little picnic baskets tied to its legs, but I don't think their baskets really look like that. Bees get their best food from pollen. You can buy bee pollen, and put it in a smoothie, but I think it is gross.

I do like honey. Something to know: don't feed honey to a baby. They can die! Can you believe that? All the time it would seem like feeding honey to a baby is a good idea, BUT IT IS NOT.

There are the bees that farmers use to pollinate their crops--almonds in California and everything everywhere else. These bees have keepers that move them from farm to farm in big trucks. The bees that do the work and move around on trucks work really really hard, and they don't get to choose where to go. This can make them die faster than bees that live in one place because they chose it.

And there are wild bees.

I think that bees used to like to live in the hollows of trees. Now, there are not so many trees and hardly any hollow ones. How do I know that? I haven't been around that long. But I talk to old people. The really, really old ones. I ask them about the food they used to eat, and how they liked to play, and stuff like that. And they tell me some amazing things. This one lady, she told me that in fifty years she saw the world change from a beautiful place of dirt roads lined with cherry trees to a bunch of boxes on the side of the hot rock road. And other people talk about milk in glass bottles getting delivered to their doors, or how their family had a cow. I like talking to old people. But I hate it when they have old wrapped candy in glass bowls in their houses. That is also gross.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Broccoli,
I love your stories! I like plants too! Lately, I have been hanging out with some groundcover named Perry Winkle, he's ok, but a little bossy. You just have to tell him where to go and he tends to agree ok. I also planted a Hydrangea (mom helped with the spelling) and the lady at the store told me that if I plant him with lots of acid she will be blue and if I plant him with lots of alkaline she will be pink. I don't bury my batteries and my neighbors do a lot of funny acting drugs, so I think he'll pop blue!! I hope we can be friends, I like friends who like to be outside and don't mind a little grit in their mouth when they bite their nails. Hope to hear from you soon. From, Lily O. Valley (my mom insists on calling me Grace..blah!)